ISM News

Update nr. 96

In this ISM News Update:

  • MLC amendments
  • MARPOL amendments
  • ISO audit RBG
  • New downloads
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MLC amendments

As per 1 February 2018 the MLC amendments 2014 have come into force for The Netherlands. The Dutch Flag State has made a declaration, which states that all current MLC certificates remain valid until the first renewal inspection after 1 February 2018. This statement can be found here.
The new DMLC Part I must be on board during the upcoming renewal audit together with the new DMLC Part II including items 15 and 16. We advise you to review the new DMLC Part II together with your regular Flag State inspector for approval prior to the renewal audit. After approval, a review letter will be made available, which you can show during the MLC inspection.

During the MLC inspection, the inspector will use the letter to verify if the DMLC Part II onboard is identical to the reviewed version. If all is satisfactory he can focus on the on-board implementation. Upon successful completion of the inspection, the new DMLC Part II will be endorsed by the attending inspector and a new MLC certificate will be issued.

For vessels that do not require an MLC certificate but are under a 3-yearly regime of the Dutch Flag it is highly recommended that they also have the new DMLC Part I on board as well as DMLC Part II including items 15 and 16. The new DMLC Part I can be found on the website of ILenT.


MARPOL amendments Annex V

As per 1 March 2018 the new legislation regarding MARPOL Annex V will come into force. The changes include criteria for determining whether cargo residues are harmful to the marine environment and a new Garbage Record Book format with a new garbage category for e-waste.

Declaration for cargo residues

Cargo residues that are not harmful to the marine environment have less strict discharge requirements than cargo residues which are harmful for the environment. In Appendix I of MEPC 70 is clarified what the criteria are for classifying ‘solid bulk cargoes’ that are harmful to the marine environment.

Garbage Record Book

A new format for the Garbage Record Book (GRB) can also be found in Appendix II of MEPC 70. The new GRB is divided in two parts:

Part I: For all garbage other than cargo residues (applicable for all vessels).
Part II: For cargo residues only applicable to ships carrying solid bulk cargo.

The categories have also been amended to include: e-waste, cargo residues (non-HME) and cargo residues (HME). HME stands for Harmful to the Marine Environment.

In addition, the GRB discharge table has been revised, as both incineration start and stop date/time/position shall be recorded. Also, a new table is included in Part II for reporting exceptional loss or discharge of garbage, also covering the reason for discharge or loss, details thereof and precautions taken.

Even though Annex V is mandatory for all ships there are neither certification nor approval requirements. However, the following is required under MARPOL:

  • Placards posted on board noting the discharge requirements for ships > 12 m and fixed and floating platforms;
  • A garbage management plan for ships > 100 GT or certified for 15 or more persons, and fixed and floating platforms;
  • A garbage record book for ships > 400 GT or certified for 15 or more persons, and fixed and floating platforms;

For your convenience, Rood Boven Groen has made a new garbage record book and garbage management plan available on her website under downloads – MARPOL.


ISO audit RBG

Rood Boven Groen has recently undertaken a 2nd audit for certification according the new ISO standard 9001:2015. During this audit no deviations have been noted.


New downloads

As per 1 January 2018 new IMO FAL forms are available and a new list of medical supplies under The Dutch Flag is available on the RBG website under downloads.

Hartelijke groeten,
Het RBG Team